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Want to chat? Jo will be available in the zoom room on the day of the show between 12.30-1.15pm to answer any questions you may have!
Just click below to join!
What Our Customers Say
“Thank you, Jo for putting yourself out there for me. Your help and expertise in coaching have acted like a mirror to help me see my blind spots as well as giving me courage to pursue the things that give me joy. I had tried on my own, but I just don’t think you can do work like this without the help of a skilled coach. I have learnt to trust myself and to recognise where I need to pay more attention to help myself and others. Ultimately, coaching has enhanced my knowledge of myself and for that, I thank you”
-Helen, Physiotherapist
therapy live offers
1:1 Coaching:
Book a call today! This is a free, no obligation call but first 5 sign-ups will have priority access to 1 of only 8 free slots to commence coaching in July/August 2021.
‘The ‘I’ in Therapist’ course:
Sign up to ‘The ‘I’ in Therapist’ course. Normal price £320. Sign up today and receive all 4 modules for the early bird price of £250 (valid until the end of June).
Join Our Community
Leave your details so that we can send you an invitation to joining the community.
what i offer
“Helping you find your way”
Coaching is about looking at where you are right now, and where you would ideally like to be in the future. It is very specific to you and it can be challenging. As therapists, we are often expert at seeing other people’s needs and blind spots, but not always our own.
I will encourage you to confront things that are keeping you static, hold you accountable for any changes you commit to, and be your greatest cheerleader when you find your way to that new career, home, family circumstance, whatever it is that is most important to you.
If you would like to discuss coaching options, book a call and we can work out what you might need.
The ‘Mehub’ Community:
“Join the conversation”
“It’s time to talk…..and I mean really talk”
Our ‘Mehub’ community is a place to talk with other clinicians, share how you are feeling with people who probably feel the same, to raise questions and challenge ourselves to find solutions. If you are a clinician who is prepared to look at things a little differently, who can see a better way both for yourself and your colleagues, who is prepared to debate, with compassion in the pursuit of positive change in healthcare, please sign up to the Mehub community, come and join us.
The ‘I’ in Therapist course:
“What do you see for the future of our professions and the wider culture of health? And how do we sustain ourselves on that journey?”
“Is your career serving everyone but you?”
I don’t believe we currently have the right systems in place to support those who would be the pioneers and the voices for change in our professions. How can you think about holding yourself accountable clinically, challenging others in brave and open debate about best practice, or lobbying for change, when getting through your daily caseload takes everything you have?
YouMatter Podcast:
Dedicated to you, the person behind the uniform. Conversations that get to the heart of healthcare.